Saturday, February 4, 2012


Master of My Make-Believe Look
Knee Length Bedazzled Sweater -Thrift Shop
Vintage Ford Sleeveless T- Thrift shop
African Print Dress (worn as skirt)- Bonaroo Music Festival (ha, auto correct just asked me if I wanted to change that to, "Bonaparte" Awwww no thanks, but thanks anyway)
Black leggings- New Balance
Leather Pointed Loafers- Thrift shop
Earring (one of a kind)- A friend made this earring for me when I graduated college. Each element has significance.
Green Stone: Earth
Blue Stone: Water (these stones are situated next to each other to represent the balance between earth and water. This is a reminder to me to maintain balance in all elements of my life)
Sea Shell: For my love of nature
Silver Being sitting in Lotus Position: Importance of physical health and spirituality
Ankh:  Sense of femininity and female strength
Cross: For my faith, (Born Again Christian, lovin' Jesus since I can't even remember when!)

Youth Lagoon- "Seventeen"
"When I was seventeen,
My mother said to me 
'Don't stop imagining. The day that you do is the day that you die.' "


  1. Zapora! I am so glad that you stopped by my blog!! It was an honor to have such a style guru as yourself look at my lil' ole page, lol! I would love to exchange thoughts, hair info, etc. Email me anytime: (I am now a has been beauty queen, hence the long email address, lol. :)

    By the way, this outfit is crazy cool!! You find such great things in your thrift store! I wish I lived closer too... ;) Be blessed and stay in touch, dear!

  2. I love outfits that have stories to tell! And I am crazy about the print on your skirt/dress!
    Btw, did you add me on skype?
